Have You Participated in a
Tax Shelter Scheme?
Discuss Your Solutions With Us

Gift Giving Tax Shelters are a Widespread Problem. You're Not Alone.

Ignoring the Taxes You Owe the CRA Only Makes the Problem Worse. End Tax Shelters Now Offers Free Resources To Help You Find Your Solution

Read on if any of the following apply to you:

About End Tax Shelters Now

End Tax Shelters Now aims to bring awareness to tax shelter programs in Canada and make sure Canadians who are dealing with this issue have all the information they need. The companies, promoters, and organizations who offered these tax shelters have long disappeared, and their high-priced lawyers and accountants won’t reply.

End Tax Shelters Now is the single place for you to go to get FREE information on these tax shelter cases, including GLGI, CLF, VIA, and GLS and many more. Our team is consistently adding new and revised information. Our team comprises former executives, consultants, and charity workers who want to make this right and provide FREE information to help.

Have new information regarding Canadian tax shelters? Send it to our support line at support@endtaxsheltersnow.com

What Happens if I Owe the CRA Money?

Have you recently been contacted by the Canada Revenue Agency about your involvement in a donation tax shelter? Various types of gift tax shelters have emerged in Canada over the years. In many cases, the CRA has deemed the tax credits they claim to provide ineligible, meaning their clients were forced to pay the taxes they thought they obtained tax credit for years later along with interest accrued. 

Have you found yourself in this situation? Talking to the CRA and figuring out where you stand should be your priority, but you shouldn’t do it alone. Having representation on your side is essential when tackling this serious issue. 

Fighting the CRA on tax shelter issues will be both mentally and financially exhausting. So, paying your penalty if it is under $20,000 is highly recommended. However, every individual’s case is different so please speak to a tax shelter specialist or expert before making any decisions.

What You Need to Prepare

End Tax Shelters can help you through this challenging situation by providing the facts and the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth (we don’t pick a side, just deliver the facts). 

When you are ready, you will meet with a volunteer support donor just like you for free. They went through the troubling situation you’re in and know it well. They are volunteers, so please be patient as we are helping as many people as we can. 

What is a Tax Shelter  and What is the CRA's Position on Them?

The Canadian Government has never established clear views on gift-giving and donation tax shelters. However, many organizations who provide such services have seen their cases lose once they enter the Canadian legal system. 

The Canadian government’s views on gift-giving and donation tax shelters have remained consistent over the years; they are ‘legal’. They are allowed to operate, but anyone who participated in one cannot claim their associated tax benefits, as none have ever complied with the Income Tax Act. 

The fraud scenario, “Donation tax shelter scheme,” explains this plight well. 

The Canada Revenue Agency defines tax shelters and tax schemes as “…plans and arrangements that attempt to deceive taxpayers by promising to reduce the taxes they owe, either through large deductions or through promising tax-free income.”

You may be thinking, “My case is different. The tax shelter investment I made was completely legal, and I can fight this.” While this is an option, it is highly inadvisable as no tax shelter program in Canada has been deemed eligible for tax credits.

You decided to involve yourself in a tax shelter, and you thought it went well for years. Well, we’re sorry to say it didn’t go well after all, shortly. 

Your best option is ALWAYS opening up a dialogue with the CRA with expert representation on your side. Ignoring this problem won’t make it go away, and the earlier you tackle the issue, the less you’re likely to pay in accumulated interest and possible penalties. Keep in mind the interest and penalties are compounding and will continue to compound. 

Create a Custom Plan Tailor-Made for you

You may be facing a situation where you owe a large amount of money you can’t pay at this time—this where our incredible team comes in. We work with all our clients to find a solution that meets everyone’s individual needs, no matter what those needs are. 

Talk to us and help us figure out a solution that won’t require you to relinquish any of the assets you need and hold dearly. Protecting your assets is our number one priority, and we bring the same passion to our clients’ cases we bring to defending our friends and family. 

The longer you wait, the more your interest piles up and the trickier your situation becomes. The End Tax Shelters Now, the team can help you regain your freedom and get a fresh start on life free from debilitating debt. Talk to us today about your CRA debt and live life the way you deserve. 

It's Only a Matter of Time Before the CRA Comes to Collect. Jump Ahead and Avoid the Burn

End Tax Shelters Now has a roster of accountants and lawyers ready to help you with your outstanding CRA debt. We hate illegitimate gift-giving tax shelters as much as you. Our goal is to help as many people as we can get out from under the CRA debt they incurred without their knowledge. 

It’s important to remember that the penalties and interest you’re incurring won’t stop. They only get worse with time, and it’s only a matter of time before the CRA reaches out to you and expects to collect the taxes you owe. 

Jump ahead of the CRA and apply Aloe to your burn before it hurts your finances even more. Our team is here to help. 


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Tax Shelter Cases

Organizations have been offering ‘legal’ gifting tax shelter programs for years, all of which were later deemed ineligible for tax credits. Were you misled by any of the following organizations? Click on any to read about how that case has progressed.  End Tax Shelters Now is THE website for information and resources on Canada’s tax shelters. Check out any of the following cases for their individual information:

More Case Info

The following is a brief rundown of some of our most popular cases. Please visit their individual pages to learn more.


Global Learning Gift Initiative (GLGI) 

Approximately 40,000 Canadians participated in the Global Learning Gift Initiative (GLGI) between 2004 and 2014. Participants claimed a charity tax credit much higher than the cash amount they donated, an act GLGI promoters touted as a major benefit of the gift-giving tax shelter.

However, those tax credits were rejected by the CRA and the agency is now in the process of recovering more than $500 million from taxpayer participants.

Click here to learn more about GLGI and what taxpayers can do.


Global Learning Systems Inc. (GLS) 

The CRA is currently reassessing thousands of taxpayers who donated money to this shelter and received tax credits in return. These tax credits have since been rejected and taxpayers have been sent reassessments illustrating their new tax bill. These bills are often huge due to the sie of the initial donation and the interest and penalties accrued in the years since.

This tax shelter was designed to reduce taxable income, but it has now done the complete opposite for its participants.
Click here to learn more about the Global Learning Systems Inc. Tax Shelter program. 


Canadian Humanitarian Trust Donation Program (CHT)

The CRA is currently reassessing tens of thousands of taxpayers who donated money to the Canadian Humanitarian Trust Donation Program (CHT) with the purpose of receiving tax credits in return.

Collections, and collections enforcement, is currently underway. Contact End Tax Shelters Now today if you need help with this case. We’re here for you in this stressful time.

Click here to learn more about the Canadian Humanitarian Trust Donation Program (CHT).


Vintage Iconic Archives (VIA)

Vintage Iconic Archives raised eyebrows around Canada when the firm began pitching itself as a tax shelter by buying and immediately donating old photos. The firm billed the Vintage Iconic Archives project as “simply the most compelling financial opportunity available today.

The project is now gone, and taxpayers who participated in the tax shelter have been abandoned by the organizers and left to the mercy of the CRA.

Click here to learn more about the Vintage Iconic Archives (VIA) project.


“This site/articles provides information of a general nature only. It is only current at the posting date. It is not updated and it may no longer be current. It does not provide legal advice nor can it or should it be relied upon. All tax situations are specific to their facts and will differ from the situations in the articles. If you have specific legal questions you should consult a tax lawyer or accountant specializing in tax shelters.”