Recent Tax Shelter Court Cases

Our team strives to compile and provide updated information on ALL cases related to tax shelters in Canada. Again, our team of volunteers is composed of former donors who participated in these programs.

We get information from former tax shelter donors (like you) and former executives who served on the boards of charities and tax shelters.

We did some research and found there was no true third-party information on tax shelters we truly trusted. 

So, End Tax Shelters NOW happily illustrates all the sides and facts you need to be educated on Canadian tax shelters so you are ready to speak with a professional regarding your personal tax issues.

The following organizations comprise some of the many gifting tax shelters that have appeared before the Court of Appeals. Click on any to learn how the case has progressed.

The existence of gifting tax shelters in Canada is a dubious one. The Canadian government deems them ‘legal,’ and as such, they are allowed to operate. However, none have ever been found to comply with Canada’s Income Tax Act, therefore barring anyone who participated in them from claiming their associated tax benefits. This policy has left the thousands of Canadians who participated in gifting tax shelters over the years spinning in the wind. The tax credits they thought they had accrued were deemed ineligible years after they claimed them; leaving these Canadians owing thousands to the Canada Revenue Agency in penalties and interest accrued. Were you misled by any of the following organizations or a different tax shelter we are not yet aware of? Contact End Tax Shelters Now and let us know.