Relief Lending Group (RLG)

Is Relief Lending Group still open?

This tax shelter is closed and there is no support from the company. They have also moved and have FAILED to leave a forwarding address or contact information.

The End Tax Shelters Now team is happy to speak with you to review your options regarding your particular tax shelter case. The company is now closed and has left no forwarding address, and therefore no support. However, we are happy to help.

A brief history of Relief Lending Group

The Relief Lending Group Ltd tax shelter is one of the programs under investigation by PGC. The problems started in 2012 when Relief Lending Group (RLG) refused to help their clients settle their donation debts properly according to the terms and conditions of the loan. RLG continued for some time to ignore their client’s requests for assistance, but finally gave instructions to have the settlement pharmaceuticals delivered to England. When one client actually accomplished this, RLG refused to accept the delivery and the whole issue of fraud and breach of trust was started.
Shortly afterwards, many PGC Members started to complain about RLG. As a result, PGC started their investigations.
Relief Lending Group Ltd failed to cooperate in the investigation, however, a great  deal of evidence has been uncovered and the reports to Members are available on  this website. The reader can see them by going to the Current Investigations Page.
RLG seems to be maintaining their website on a sporadic basis, however, customer support is non-existent. Most requests for help from RLG go unanswered and clients are left to fend for themselves.
The Relief Lending Group Donation program was one of the first “open market”  structured programs that met all of the proposed amendments to the Income Tax  Act that were actually passed into law in June 2014. Because of this, participants still have one of the best opportunities possible to maintain their tax credits, in spite of the scam and wrongdoing allegations.

If you have any relevant information regarding this tax shelter case, please email us at